Fine Lines Summer Camp is Underway!

David Martin kicked off the 2011 Fine Lines Summer Camp at Beveridge Middle school Monday morning. This is a record year for attendance with participants ranging in age from elementary students to adults. The day began with David’s opening speech and Christina Allred (gifted facilitator with OPS), a cellist, who played while over 130 campers listened and wrote.

After the opening session, groups convened to their rooms where they wrote with their camp leaders. Then they all returned to the auditorium where David gave several homework assignments including:

  1. 1. List ten adjectives to describe good writing.
  2. 2. Describe what makes you a writer.
  3. List what you learned about writing today! (Metaphor, Mozart effect, etc.)

Then several campers shared their own writing in an open mic. session. There were some amazing writers at the microphone today!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Flag Day. Participants have been invited to show up in red, white and blue clothing. Teddy Roosevelt will be there in the morning to start off day two of Fine Lines Writing Camp!


Author: Jeff

I teach English at Westside High School and Composition at Metropolitan Community College. I have been an online editor for Fine Lines since we revamped to Wordpress some time in 2009.

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