Summer Camp Day Two

June 14th is Flag Day, and in celebration, the Writing Camp participants welcomed Theodore “Don’t Call Me Teddy” Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt, played by Darrel Draper, shared his life’s story with a bully gusto and a bravado indicative of the former three-term president. Campers discovered why February 12th is an unlucky day for him in addition to learning about his connection to American Bison in the Midwest. Did you know he was a cowboy in the Dakotas before leading his Rough Riders up San Juan Hill?

Theodore Roosevelt tells his story.
Theodore is always happy to pose for a picture.
Busy Writers doing their thing at Writing Camp!
Eager Campers read their hard day's work!

Author: Jeff

I teach English at Westside High School and Composition at Metropolitan Community College. I have been an online editor for Fine Lines since we revamped to Wordpress some time in 2009.

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