Featured Writers

Carla Cherry – “I am a veteran high school English teacher and earned my MFA in Creative Writing at the City College of New York in the spring of 2022. My poetry has appeared in Random Sample Review, Memory House, Bop Dead City, Anti-Heroin Chic, 433, Raising Mothers and have been nominated for Best of the Net. My five books of poetry, Gnat Feathers and Butterfly Wings, Thirty Dollars and a Bowl of Soup, Honeysuckle Me, These Pearls Are Real, and Stardust and Skin are available via iiPublishing. 
John Doble – “My writing was published in the Valley Review, The Eureka Quarterly, and as a collection by Clemson University. I am an award-winning playwright and have had plays produced across the U.S. and in the U.K. I live in New York City.”
Richa Dineen Sharma – “Although I have written poetry ever since I could form legible sentences, I have always looked upon it as a means of escape, self-validation, and healing. For over thirty-five years, I have been writing prose and poetry. I am at the cusp of youth and wisdom. It is only recently that I’ve discovered a world of poetry beyond my own communities and journals. Reading beautiful pieces from others and the joy of having them read mine is a simple thing that I would love to experience more. I just want to share my words, verses, and thoughts with those who care for poetry. I live in Singapore, although I am originally from India. Most of my writing is my understanding, interaction, and interpretation of life: things that surround us, people, nature, tragedies, grief, and the entire gamut of human experiences.”
Charles De Flanders – “I am retired and live in Palm Desert, CA. I spend my time writing fiction. I grew up in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas and only attended poor schools. I was 31 when I first read a book completely to the end. Thank goodness I found that community college teacher who sensed I was smart and could learn to become a good student. Now, I cannot stop reading and telling my stories to Fine Linesreaders.” 
Emily Breese – “I published nonfiction in Carve Magazine. Recent research and writing projects cover my Holocaust survivor parents and grandparents, who died in the camps, yet thankfully left letters from their time in Germany before their deportation. I volunteered as a Court Appointed Special Advocate and worked as a social services counselor, following a career as a Librarian and Information Specialist in technology companies. I am honored to be included in this literary journal Fine Lines. I live on Mercer Island, WA.

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