Subscribe To Fine Lines

Subscriptions Benefits

A subscription to Fine Lines includes electronic access to four 200 plus-page journals.  Occasional E-letters with Fine Lines news, upcoming events, and the inside scoop on special issues and events.

In addition, we provide Free author panels for writers in our community. Free special communication classes for local schools, and books and scholarships to students in need. Your membership is vital and put to good use all year long!

Subscription Options

We offer two methods of payment for your Fine Lines subscription:

1. U.S. residents can make checks payable to Fine Lines for $100 (this includes membership and quarterly journals. See form for details.). Please include your name, address, and email with your payment and send to:

Fine Lines
David Martin
9905 Rockbrook Rd
Omaha, NE 68124


2. We also accept credit card payments via PayPal. For U.S. residents, use the following link to subscribe ($100 yearly subscription)



You may also order archival journals for only $20, plus shipping. Please identify which Fine Lines volume you are purchasing by year and season.

Archival $20


Thank you for supporting this national, quarterly journal, which is devoted to encouraging young writers of all ages. We know you will enjoy the writing in each issue. We could not continue without the support of you donations!

Spread the written word!

Past Issues

Previous issues of Fine Lines are available. Please contact David Martin at for more information about ordering. Or click the button below. Please specify exactly which issue you are ordering.