Write On Wednesday Open for Submissions

Fine Lines accepts blog submissions for “Write On Wednesdays.” We feature writers from across the country and your input is welcome.

If you’re wondering what we love, here are some great posts to check out:

Three Things Successful Writers Have in Common

Writing Advice from an Avid Football Fan

And of course, Those Lowdown Rejection Blues

Further notes:

  • We prefer blogs 500-1200 words. Short can be sweet, however, give us a complete thought.
  • Send in a word file. Do not indent paragraphs. We reserve the right to change format to be “blog friendly” as needed.
  • Fellow writers are extra sensitive to technical errors; please proofread your work.
  • Send a bio, a photo if you’d like, links to any of your website and social networks you want to share.
  • If you have an appropriate photo that you own the rights to, yes, please share.
  • We do accept previously published material, please note in your copy where it was published before and, if appropriate, a link.
  • Fine Lines is fueled and manned by volunteers, please be patient with reply times. We read and appreciate all the work received.
  • Ready? For blog submissions send to david.martin (at) finelines.org Subject: Fine Lines Blog Submission

Thank You!

Submissions Guidelines

Call for Manuscripts

Who we are

Fine Lines is a national, quarterly, literary journal devoted to the publication of poetry, prose, and writing across the curriculum.  The journal seeks:

:: to provide insights for teachers and students in all disciplines.
:: to encourage discussion of writing in ways that cut across disciplines, definitions, and traditions.
:: to publish contributions by all members of the writing community.

What to submit

We welcome articles on all topics of interest to our readers and reflective writing about interesting life experiences.  Our editors encourage a broad variety of approaches, methodologies, and styles.  We accept, for example, research articles and practical articles that describe innovative approaches to life’s challenges.  We are especially glad to receive articles that encourage stimulating dialog that crosses traditional rhetorical and disciplinary boundaries, forms, and roles.  We provide a forum for professional writers and first-time authors.

What we disclaim

The views expressed in the Fine Lines journal are solely those of the authors. Therefore, Fine Lines is not intended to represent any author’s point of view – albeit politically or religiously. Our purpose is to be a vehicle for fine writing.

What we require

Submissions must be sent via email, as file attachments, on a 3.5 PC disk or CD-R, or as laser-quality hard copies.  If replies are requested, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, or mention this in the email submission.  Use the MLA format , 6th edition, with all submissions (investigative essays, research articles, nonfiction, etc.).

Where to send

When sending submissions via email, please submit in Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please visit the style guide link at left for more specific information regarding email submissions.

Please send snail-mail submissions to:

The Editors
Fine Lines Journal
PO Box 241713
Omaha, NE 68124

Submission Checklist

Before submitting to Fine Lines, review the style guide below:

  1. Use page numbers
  2. MLA format
  3. spell check
  4. proofread
  5. Times New Roman font, size 12
  6. one space following periods
  7. maintain tenses throughout
  8. obey comma and punctuation rules
  9. follow the MLA rules for numbers
  10. cut wordiness
  11. avoid repetition
  12. use page breaks for new chapters
  13. there, their, they’re
  14. to, too, two
  15. affect, effect
  16. all together, altogether
  17. all ready, already
  18. lie, lay
  19. all pages in one document
  20. send as a file attachment
  21. send photo
  22. copyright information
  23. one-two paragraph autobiography

Submit to Fine Lines

Call for Manuscripts

Who we are

Fine Lines is a national, quarterly, literary journal devoted to the publication of poetry, prose, and writing across the curriculum. The journal seeks:

  • to provide insights for teachers and students in all disciplines.
  • to encourage discussion of writing in ways that cut across disciplines, definitions, and traditions.
  • to publish contributions by all members of the writing community.

What to submit

We welcome articles on all topics of interest to our readers and reflective writing about interesting life experiences. Our editors encourage a broad variety of approaches, methodologies, and styles. We accept, for example, research articles and practical articles that describe innovative approaches to life’s challenges. We are especially glad to receive articles that encourage stimulating dialog that crosses traditional rhetorical and disciplinary boundaries, forms, and roles. We provide a forum for professional writers and first-time authors.

What we disclaim

The views expressed in the Fine Lines journal are solely those of the authors. Therefore, Fine Lines is not intended to represent any author’s point of view – albeit politically or religiously. Our purpose is to be a vehicle for fine writing.

What we require

  • Submissions must be sent via email, as file attachments, CD-R, or as laser-quality hard copies.
  • If replies are requested, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, or mention this in the email submission.
  • Use the latest version of MLA format for all submissions (investigative essays, research articles, nonfiction, etc.).

Where to send

When sending submissions via email, please submit in Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please visit the style guide for more specific information regarding email submissions.

Emailed submissions should be sent to the appropriate email address as follows:

, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Art Gallery, Other Submissions.

Please send snail-mail submissions to:

The Editors
Fine Lines Journal
PO Box 241713
Omaha, NE 68124