The Fine Lines project is all about good writing.
What we want to do is make the clear thinking of our authors visible in print and on our website. Since 1991, Fine Lines has provided a place where creative writers share their written ideas. Our quarterly publications are dedicated to the writing development of all its members. What started out as a single classroom project is now a fifty-state network of authors who love the written word, and it has developed into a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization.
New Publishing Frontiers
When we found out that WriteLife, our publisher for the last six years, closed its doors at the end of July, we knew Fine Lines would have to evolve once more. As we pursue the many options available writers, we have chosen to start by sharing the summer 2014 issue via our website, It will be there, by September 15, 2014. In the future, we may try to publish in both mediums. Time will tell.
Fine Lines Submissions
We welcome articles on all topics of interest to our readers and reflective writing about interesting life experiences. Our editors encourage a variety of approaches and styles. We accept articles and practical submissions that describe innovative views of life’s challenges. We are glad to receive work encouraging stimulating dialog that crosses traditional rhetorical and disciplinary boundaries, forms, and roles. We provide a forum for writers of all ability levels. Our editors reserve the right to reject submissions that use profanity, abusive violence in all forms, alcohol, and drugs.
If it is not written down, it did not happen.
Improved literacy adds clarity and passion to our lives. Composition is hard work, but it brings order to chaos, beauty to existence, and celebration to the mysterious. Please support us by making a tax-deductible donation to Fine Lines. Have you thought about adopting a non-profit educational organization this year? We have many openings for volunteers. The work is challenging and inspirational. Contact us today.
Write on,
David Martin